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C Holdsworth, Film strips


experimental sound | moving image | tech-based art

Dr Claire M. Holdsworth (she/her/they) is a writer, archivist, and audio maker based in London.


Exploring histories of media and performance art, and considering feminist and decolonised artworks and networks, Claire's research investigates sound, social collectives, and science-fiction to re-frame the connections between the past and the present in experimental sound, music, film, video, archives and performances.


Recently, her focus has shifted from academia to making more creative research-based audio artworks, publications, documentaries, and curating. This practice reimagines the histories she has been handling and discussing in archives and art colleges under the project title 'also of sound'.

Claire works closely with the British Artists' Film and Video Study Collection – part of the museum at Central Saint Martins (CSM, University of the Arts London) – where she undertook an AHRC funded PhD and continues to lecture on the MRes Art: moving image, running sessions in the archives.


They have worked for the Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice (CRiSAP) research centre at LCC, as part of which she co-organised the event Sound::Gender::Feminism::Activism Tokyo (LCC/Tokyo University of the Arts), and she also previously undertook an Early Career Research Fellowship at Kingston School of Art (Kingston University London). 


She is a founding member of SODAA music collective, and has worked for arts organisations coordinating exhibitions and events (including Alpha-ville Festival and Kinetica Art Fair). As well as freelance editing Claire also works as an archivist, sorting collections for artists, organisations, and curators (such as Jasia Reichardt, Isaac Julien, and Andrew Logan among others). 


Photo credit: Robin Christian (2022)

Claire M. Holdsworth (2022) Photo-credit-Robin-Christian.jpg
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